Hydrogen Technology Expo 2023

Hydrogen expertise and projects in Bremen and Bremerhaven

Hydrogen in Bremen and Bremerhaven

Green hydrogen from renewable energies is an important building block for the energy supply of the future. A hydrogen economy is currently emerging in Bremen and Bremerhaven, bringing together the region's locational advantages and knowledge. Research institutes and companies are working together to develop the elements for a sustainable energy economy. In addition, new technologies are being developed in fields of application such as climate-neutral flying, space travel and vehicle technology. Watch on YouTube

Hydrogen strategy of the State of Bremen
Download the full document on Bremen's hydrogen strategy from August 2022 here (German) (PDF, 4MB)

Events Businesslounge Hall 7

Wednesday, 27th of September 2023

Grüner Wasserstoff in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit with GIZ, BMWK & BMZ (joint event from Chamber of Commerce Bremen, GIZ, SWHT)
11:00 - 12:30
GIZ provides an overview of international events in economic cooperation with a focus on energy and hydrogen; the partner countries Algeria and Brazil are highlighted in particular.
Business Lounge (Hall 7) / German language

Hydrogen Europe meet’n’greet
12:30 - 14:00
Katarina Muse (HE Managerin der Regional Pillar & Skills Group) and Joanna Fonseca (HE Market & Technology Intelligence – industrial applications) will answer questions about Hydrogen Europe and provide information about the organisation right at the Bremen Booth.
Bremen Booth (Hall 5/ Booth 5D20) / Englisch language

Bremen Meets the North Sea States: UK, NL & Northern Germany
13:00 - 14:00
Meeting of the North Sea states with Scotland and the Netherlands. Saacke GmbH and the BIBA Institute will be represented from Bremen.
Business Lounge (Hall 7) / English language

Are we H2 ready? Hydrogen Europe, Gasunie, SWHT
15:00 - 16:00
Meeting of Hydrogen Europe and Gasunie in the Business Lounge. The expansion potentials - and obstacles - of the European H2 pipeline infrastructure will be discussed using the example of the Hyperlink project, which connects Bremen, as one of the first regions in the network. Register here.
Business Lounge (Hall 7) / English language

Reception/ Booth Party on the EEN Expo area and the Bremen Booth
16:00 - 18:00
(Booth 5D20 an 5C30) / Englisch language

Donnerstag, 28.09.2023

German-Norwegian Business Breakfast Innovation Norway, Norwegian Energy Partners, SWHT
09:00 - 10:30
On the second day of the fair, there will be a joint breakfast with Innovation Norway and a variety of Norwegian companies in the business lounge. Register here.
Business Lounge (Hall 7) / English language

hyBit meet’n’greet
11:30 - 12:30
The project team of hyBit, a large-scale scientific project on the overall socio-technical analysis of the use of hydrogen in Bremen's local economy, will report on the current project status in a relaxed atmosphere and will be happy to answer questions.
Bremen Stand (Hall 5/ Booth 5D20) / German language

Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie Algerien: Wasserstoffsüdkorridor / South2Corridor (Algerische Delegation, GIZ, BMWK)
13:00 - 14:00
Two high-ranking Algerian representatives from a ministry and a state-owned company explain the national hydrogen strategy and go into detail about the hydrogen south corridor.
(South2Corridor).Business Lounge (Hall 7) / English language

Download graphics in original size
Both graphics for Bremen and Bremerhaven are available here as PDF files (PDF, 7,9MB)

Wasserstoff. Norddeutsch. Persönlich. (German)

1. März 2024

Wasserstoff. Norddeutsch. Persönlich. – Teil 7: Marie-Sophie Nizou

Ariane-Raketen starten schon seit Jahrzehnten mit Wasserstoff ins Weltall. Lässt sich das Wissen um die sichere Nutzung des Energieträgers auch für andere Branchen nutzen? Auf diese […]
31. Januar 2024

Wasserstoff. Norddeutsch. Persönlich. – Teil 6: Dr. Torben Stührmann

Ein wichtiger Baustein für die klimaneutrale Zukunft Bremens und der Blick um die halbe Welt auf einen technischen Durchbruch im Bereich der Elektrolyse – Dr. Torben […]
23. Oktober 2023

Wasserstoff. Norddeutsch. Persönlich. – Teil 5: Maik Gross

Eine Wasserstoffwirtschaft braucht gut ausgebildete Fachkräfte – mit dem Training Center Technology-Industry-Mobility-Energy des BNW schafft Maik Groß dafür die Grundlagen.

Cover image on all pages of the event: WFB/Rathke