Are we H2 ready?

Datum & Uhrzeit / Date & time

Datum / Date: 27. September 2023
Zeit / Time: 15:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr


Business Lounge Hall 7 (On the exhibition grounds)



Kategorien / Categories

The perspective from Hydrogen Europe and the industrial perspective from Gasunie exemplified on project Hyperlink. Bremen as one of the first regions to be connected.
Where are we and what are the current challenges?

In this event the speakers will give a thorough overview of the current state of play in the planning and construction of the Europe-wide hydrogen backbone with Bremen as one of the first regions to be connected to it. This endeavor is carried out by the dutch state-owned company Gasunie within the IPCEI-project Hyperlink. Accomplishments as well as challenges will be showcased, at the end of the event you have a chance to get into contact with the presenters.


Opening speech and moderation
Christian Gutschmidt, Head of Department for International Economic Relations and Controlling at the State Ministry of Economy

The European Perspective on infrastructure
Katarina Muse, Manager at Hydrogen Europe, Regional pillar and skills

Overview on the hydrogen landscape of Bremen
Elitsa Pesina, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ports and Transformation

Hyperlink – a German hydrogen network for a secure energy supply
Anke Alvermann-Schuler, Manager at Gasunie Energy Development GmbH

Q&A Session

Networking with Coffee and Pastries

Anmeldung / Registration

Buchungen sind für diese Veranstaltung nicht mehr möglich. / Bookings are no longer possible for this event.